EU Flaga



Family company

Pestila takes pride in a long and splendid history in the agrochemical industry. It has been run with passion combined with many years of experience in creating the highest quality products. The history of the family business began in  1992 with the founding of the company   Tomrol, which dealt with the distribution of agrochemicals. In a short time, Tomrol has become a trusted business partner formany loyal customers.

Development directions

In 2001 a production company called Pestila was founded. A new stage of business development began - the process of registering insecticides and the construction of a production hall. In 2003 hall. In  2003, the first products were introduced to the market:   Acetampird 200 SLFenitrotion 1000 EC and  Amitraz 200 SL.The following years were a continuous period of development of our own portfolio of preparations and services. Apart from plant protection products, the company started producing foliar fertilizers for use in many crops and biocidal products. In the years  2008 - 2013 ,  the company enriched its machine park with new production and packaging lines, it also opened its own analytical laboratory.


New possibilities

2014 2014  was a milestone in the development of Pestila. The company underwent rebranding, changed its logo and introduced its products to foreign markets. ISO14001 and 9001 quality systems were introduced   ISO14001 i 9001to create formulations that meet the rigorous requirements imposed by the man and the nature. In addition, in order to guarantee the high quality of manufactured products, the analytical laboratory was awarded the prestigious  Good Laboratory Practice  (GLP) certificate. Good Laboratory Practice (ang. GLP).  

Constant development

In 2015 , the product offer was expanded to include adjuvants and a silique sealant, and at the same time the company began implementing a long-term development strategy. This process began with the construction of a new warehouse with an area of ​​2,600 sqm, which was put into use as early as 2016. In 2017 ,  the  company launched a machine park for   the production of labels   and started applying for EU funds to finance its dynamic development. Thanks to this, already in  2018 , the expansion of the laboratory equipped with modern equipment for physicochemical analyzes was completed


Implementation of innovation

In 2019 , the company introduced new active substances into its portfolio so as to increase competitiveness and protect the environment. Moreoever it presented its services at  the international fair in Shanghai.
Constant investments in the factory made it modern and equipped with advanced and reliable technologies supervised by qualified staff. In the same year, Pestila started the production of two-component caps.The main objective of this project was to increase the recognition of the own brand.
Further development of the laboratory also took dla wsparcia innowacyjności produktów. Nieustanna praca nad polepszaniem preparatów w laboratorium R&D ma przełożenie na skuteczność podczas zastosowań polowych.
At the end of the year, a company opened its branch  Ukraine as a bridgehead for future expansion to the East.

Further phases of business

The years 2020 – 2021 are are marked with continuous development. In 2020, the company took over an automated high-bay warehouse with an area of ​​5,000 sq m. It also implemented a standard that emphasized work safety -   ISO 45001.Taking care of quality at all stages of production, from the purchase of ingredients, their storage method, to the production line of final products and their packaging, in 2021 the company began its work on the implementation of  Good Manufacturing Practice  (GMP) . As a consequence, Pestila has been producing high-quality agrochemical products for more than  20 years ,which makes the everyday life of many farmers easier.


International trust

Pestila posiada lojalnych klientów w wielu krajach zarówno w UE, jak i poza jej granicami, którzy od wielu lat z nią współpracują. Stale poszerzany zasięg działania sprawia, że firma rok rocznie pojawia się na kolejnych rynkach. Na dzień dzisiejszy, Pestila jest międzynarodowo rozpoznawalną marką, stająca naprzeciw oczekiwaniom nawet najbardziej wymagających klientów.
Poprzez wiedzę, ciągłe doskonalenie i silną integrację z klientami, Pestila uznawana jest przez wszystkich uczestników rynku za rzetelnego partnera, który oferuje atrakcyjne rozwiązania w całym łańcuchu wartości.

International trust

The combination of modern technologies, multi-tone experience and the highest standards of work allowed our company to provide services internationally.

We manufacture for the needs of companies from more than 15 countries.

To meet the expectations of our customers, we are constantly expanding the range of services offered and increasing production capacities.