The priority goal of Pestila Sp. z o. o. with its registered office in Studzianki is to constantly meet customers' requirements by achieving and maintaining a high level of quality in the design, registration, production, packaging and sales of plant protection products and fertilizers for agriculture, orcharding and gardening. This goal is pursued while conducting business in harmony with the natural and social environment, in a such a way to ensure safe working conditions for each employee hired in the company as well as persons working under its supervision, eliminating or minimizing the adverse impact of the conducted activity on the environment, and also ensuring that the manufactured products do not contain residues of impurities in active ingredients not declared in the product specification, on a level that would impose a threat and endanger effectiveness of the product and its complience with legal requirements.
Being fully aware of our responsibility for the quality, safety and legality of products, environmental protection as well as occupational safety and health protection of employees, we oblige to:
Together with our employees, we shall promote and apply with due diligence the Company's Integrated Management System Policy as described and implemented above we will keep it up-to-date.