We produce fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and sulphonylurea pesticides in various formulations.
We package liquid agrochemicals in a variety of packaging formats ranging from 0.25 ml to 1,000 litres.
Świadczymy usługi w zakresie analityki parametrów jakościowych środków agrochemicznych oraz prac badawczych w dziale R&D
We specialize in the production of HDPE caps in single and two-component technology and the production of HDPE and COEX canisters.
We produce single-layer labels, multilayer peel-off labels and booklets. We guarantee a fast turnaround time.
We handle all key processes related to the formulation and packaging of agrochemicals. We offer services ranging from the preparation of recipes of plant protection products, through production, confection, laboratory analysis, to storage and transport. We provide production of individual packaging and product labels. We guarantee quality at a high European level, fast lead time.
We handle all key processes related to the formulation and packaging of agrochemicals. We offer services ranging from the preparation of recipes of plant protection products, through production, confection, laboratory analysis, to storage and transport. We provide production of individual packaging and product labels. We guarantee quality at a high European level, fast lead time.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce quis urna non orci venenatis convallis. Nulla interdum luctus ornare. Vivamus id hendrerit velit. Curabitur facilisis fermentum convallis. Aenean interdum neque at eros accumsan, sit amet pretium nunc consequat. Cras quis metus orci. Suspendisse potenti. Nam rhoncus venenatis leo, eu semper quam egestas in. Suspendisse felis orci, dictum at molestie quis, commodo ac mauris.
Pestila is a family Polish company specializing in the production and confection of plant protection products.
With 30 years of experience in the industry and excellent technological background, Pestila has been a reliable partner in the production of crop protection products for many years and has supported many well-known brands in the world in the improvement of agrochemical products.
Wysoką jakość usług i produktów firmy Pestila gwarantują wdrożone międzynarodowe normy, które regulują wiele aspektów naszej codziennej pracy. Posiadamy certyfikat ISO 90001, poświadczający o zachowywaniu obowiązujących standardów zarządzania firmą, a także ISO 14001, który potwierdza, że nasza działalność prowadzona jest z myślą o ochronie środowiska naturalnego. Uzyskaliśmy również certyfikat ISO 45001, normujący zasady bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy w naszej firmie.